বন্ধ্যাত্ব মানেই Test Tube Baby নয়!!

Comments (4)

Sreya Chatterjee-Shanker

Khub bhalo bolchen , ami forward korbo shobai ke.

Dr Indranil Saha is to me the best doctor in his field and quite possibly on the planet. I may be a little bias but what can i say he helped us receive the greatest gift imaginable. Before seeing him me and my wife had been through a lot as I’m sure many others may be in the same situation. The best decision we made was to make an appointment to see this great Doctor. I would recommend anyone who is having any problem conceiving or during any part of pregnancy to please take an initial appointment. I hope that you get the feeling we got. His calm tone and confidence will put you at ease and know you’re in the best hands possible. He was with us every step of the way and was available anytime we had even the smallest of questions. I cannot thank you enough Dr.Saha or express in this post how much you mean to me and my family. Babumoshai loves you will forever be grateful and when older will be told the story of how Uncle Neel made it all possible.

Dr. Indranil Saha is not only a great gynaecologist but also a gem of a person. He guided me & my husband in the best way possible out of an extremely difficult situation and we conceived without ANY intervention. His methods are scientific accurate and he makes you listen to your own body without any external burdens. Just confide in him completely and trust him wholeheartedly with your eyes closed. He will show you the best possible path. Lastly, it takes a great deal to be a doctor of patients, but then it takes a whole another level to be a doctor of doctors. Thank you Sir. We will be indebted to you forever.

He is not my doctor he is my hero . I never found that kind of mentality in this profession .if you mixed two colors like god & doctor that output in canvas is Dr indranil saha.His 1st & last medicine is feelings & care but some doctors have all medicine but that kind of medicine not available there prescription.I thankful to my god who refer to me another god.

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